How do I access Reviewer from within Enrich or Tetra4D Converter?

I installed Tetra4D Enrich and also Tetra4D Reviewer, but how do I access Reviewer from within Enrich?

I think, for Tetra4DConverter it is not possible to start the 3D Reviewer from within the application.
If we need to alter a 3D-PDF we open the 3D Reviewer and open the respective PDF, make our changes and then Export it to PDF again. I remember that in a former version there was a command “Edit in 3D Reviewer” but in the current version together with Acrobat 2017 it seems to be gone.
Best Regards


Thank you for your post, and for your reply Thomas. You can still access Tetra4D Reviewer, (previously called 3D Reviewer), from the Tetra4D Converter tools menu. However, you will not see this option until you have Reviewer installed on the same machine as Converter + Acrobat. In earlier versions of Reviewer, this option was grayed out under the Tetra4D tools if Reviewer was not installed. Now you will not see the tool until you have a version of Reviewer installed that matches your version of Converter. For example, if you are running Converter 2018.0.4, you must install Reviewer 2018.0.4. All Tetra4D Converter customers have access to a version of this tool. There is a new 2018 version of Reviewer available that is now a x64bit application, and includes an updated UI and ribbon.

You can access the latest versions and older versions of the software inside your customer portal. Just be sure that you install a version of Reviewer that matches your version of Converter. If you would like to get current on your maintenance contract to have access to the latest 2018 versions, please contact or your preferred reseller.

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Tetra4D Community Leader