What is Tetra4D Reviewer?

Tetra4D Reviewer is a separate application that is included with the purchase and trial for Tetra4D Enrich and Converter. Most of the primary functions capable in Converter are also functions in Reviewer. For example, the same import/export formats that are included in Converter are capable in Reviewer, including the ability to export to 3D PDF.

Below are some of the popular features used in Reviewer:

-Applying color/materials to your model
-Merging multiple CAD formats
-Edit model structure (i.e, remove/delete parts, rename parts)
-Calculate bounding box
-Calculate volume and density
-Create simple animations
-Improved measuring tool

Detailed information on Reviewer can be found in the user guide on the documentation page. Still have a question? Create a new topic and ask here in the forum.

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