Bill of material

Dear sir/madam,
When bill of material is getting created in 3D PDF tetra 4D enrich, default attributes (Name,qty) are being extracted in a table.Can we get a option for selecting desired attributes that is to be appeared in a table? Like happens for adding search (there is access to check the desired attributes)


Thank you for your post. You can easily update the table with new metadata from the “Edit>Edit Widgets” tool, or from the edit panel when the template is first created. The goal in creating Enrich templates is to get the template setup as desired, (display metadata in text fields or the table, table interaction, location for view carousel, etc.), then simply update the template using the “3D>Replace 3D” function. The entire layout of your template will be retained, just having new CAD model, table, metadata, etc.

Please visit the Tetra4D Enrich Learning Center for more information, or you are welcome to email and we will be happy to answer any questions.

Best regards,

Tetra4D Community Leader

Thanks for the information.
While creating a table of Heirarchical list in Tetra 4D Enrich, Adobe Acrobat XI is getting closed abruptly.
Can u provide a solution?